Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


HPeC is an ANR project on Self-Adaptive, Energy Efficient High Performance Embedded Computing, with a UAV case study. The Coordinator is Lab-STICC / MOCS (Lorient / Brest), and the duration: 42 month from october 2015. Others Partners are: UBO, U. Clermont-Ferrand, InPixal.

In Ctrl-A, it is funding a PhD thesis or a post-doc position, to be hired in Grenoble and co-adivsed with Lorient. Another PhD based in Brest is co-advised by Stéphane Mocanu.

Informal National Partners

We have contacts with colleagues in France, in addition to the cooperation mentioned before, and with whom we are submitting collaboration projects, co-organizing events and workshops, etc. They feature : Avalon Inria team in Lyon (F. Desprez), LIP6 (J. Malenfant), Scales Inria team in Sophia-Antipolis (L. Henrio), LIRRM in Montpellier (A. Gamatié, K. Godary, D. Simon), IRISA/Inria Rennes (J. Buisson, J.L. Pazat, ...), Telecom Paris-Tech (A. Diaconescu, E. Najm), LAAS (Thierry Monteil), LURPA ENS Cachan (J.M. Faure, J.J. Lesage).

Informal National Industrial Partners

We have ongoing discussions with several industrial actors in our application domains, some of them in the framework of cooperation contracts, other more informal: Eolas/Business decision (G. Dulac), ST Microelectronics (V. Bertin), Schneider Electric (C. El-Kaed, P. Nappey, M. Pitel), Orange labs (J. Pulou, T. Coupaye, G. Privat).